Welcome Lane Tech Parents!
As a parent of a student at one of Chicago's most outstanding educational institutions, you are cordially invited to join "Friends of Lane", an all-volunteer, parent-driven, Lane Tech Community registered non-profit organization. Please feel free to use all of the parent resources available on the Friends of Lane site and be sure to click on the "Membership" link.
What a powerful group this can be! Friends of Lane is looking for members and volunteers. We are dedicated to supporting programs and activities for students and teachers and Lane Tech High School.
All funds raised from our events will go directly back to the school. We invite you and welcome you to join us!
Friends of Lane is an all-volunteer, parent-driven, Lane Tech Community organization and registered 501(c)(3) non profit. Our goal is to build community and support Lane Tech parents, teachers, students, administrators, and staff.
We offer our parents an avenue to stay involved in your student’s education and be a part of Lane Tech. We recognize teachers, administrators, and staff with an annual appreciation luncheon. In addition, we offer Teacher Grants to help bridge the funding gap and provide the necessary materials to students to expand their learning opportunities. We also provide students with service learning opportunities.
Friends of Lane is a registered non-profit organization, but under those rules, we are only able to use that status for our own FOL fundraising on behalf of the school, and not for individual clubs or organizations within it. Therefore the Board has determined that we cannot have our EIN or W-9 used by any other Lane-related or affiliated entities, even when they are raising money on behalf of students or staff.

Monthly Membership Meetings
Friends of Lane Monthly Newsletter Archives
Friends of Lane Facebook page
Friends of Lane Twitter page
Friends of Lane Instagram page
Friends of Lane Website
Parent College Panel Night
Parent Social Events
Teacher/Staff Appreciation Luncheon (December)
Teacher/Staff Appreciation Ice Cream Social (May)
Teacher Grants
Volunteer Coordination
Freshman Meet and Greet
Service Learning Opportunities
Annual Appeal Campaign
Green and Gold Gala
Various community fundraising days
Green and Gold Gala Fundraising Committee: Coordinate, plan and manage the annual Spring Green and Gold Gala and Auction to raise funds for the school. Responsibilities include: maintaining the event budget, overseeing organizing subcommittees, working with outside vendors as needed, coordinating communications with school, staff, and alumni; and creating and managing sponsorships and advertising sales management and leadership of seven sub-committees, covering sponsorship, invitations, publicity, finance/technology, auction, program/entertainment, and site/décor.
Annual Appeal Committee: Coordinate, plan and manage annual fundraising appeal to solicit donations from parents. Responsibilities include: setting up budget and plan for the campaign; managing publicity and promotional efforts; creation, delivery, and acknowledgement of solicitation letter; working with FOL Board and Administration to publicize the appeal.
Parent College Committee: This committee will provide information to parents about the college application process and supports efforts of the school counseling department and career center. Will hold informational meetings for parents to help navigate the college search and application process. Participation is suggested for Junior or Senior parents or parents with recent, college application experience.
Spirit Store Committee: Manage all operations of the school store which is a big fundraiser for Lane Tech. Responsibilities include: inventory selection and management, graphic design and selection, pickup of inventory when possible, days of operation, staffing, and making deposits. (All of these approved by school administrative liaison.)
Parent Network Committee: Keep parents informed, including monthly e-newsletter that highlights Lane news and events. Responsibilities include: soliciting articles from various parent volunteers and administration. Manage volunteers who report on specific areas of school life (i.e., Class and Club News, Sports, etc. Edit articles for appropriate content and length. Work with newsletter designer each month to prepare and proof newsletter for online distribution.
Volunteer Coordinator: Coordinate parent volunteers to assist in departments throughout the school who need assistance. Responsibilities: communicate the volunteer opportunities to all parents via Parent to Parent emails; create online sign-up links; update Lane Tech staff who request volunteers with parent contact information in a timely manner.
Online Store Committee: Sell Lane Tech spirit wear in online store to raise funds for Lane. Prepare and process online orders for shipment
Marketing and Social Media Committee: Assist with various Friends of Lane activities as well as the Lane Administration to maximize marketing opportunities, effective advertising and promotion for our events and fundraisers. Create marketing materials as needed. Maintain messaging on the outside marquee and interior TV’s. Assist with building social media presence for Lane Tech and Friends of Lane.
Staff Appreciation Committee: Manage and run all teacher / staff appreciation events including the Holiday Luncheon, Teacher Appreciation Week, Welcome Back Staff Breakfast and other events approved by the Board.. Responsibilities include preparing a budget all events to be submitted to the board, maintaining the budget and submitting expense receipts for reimbursement. Estimated time: 2 hours/week.
Community Events: Manage and run school community events to strengthen the Lane Tech parent community as well as improve relations with our local community. Responsibilities include creating a budget for all community events and submitting it to the board for approval, working within approved budget and submitting expenses for reimbursement. All fundraising activities must have the CPS fundraising approval form completed and submitted to the FOL board for LSC approval. Events include but are not limited to Freshman Meet and Greet, November Open House, Report Card Pick Up “9th period”, Parent Social Events, and Parents Night Out. Coordinating and promoting smaller fundraisers on behalf of Lane Tech, such as local restaurant promotions, International Days video sales, and Roscoe Village ‘shop for schools’ event. Work with outside vendors as needed, and promote events to school community.Estimated time: 2 hours/week.
Teacher Grants: Oversee the teacher grant process. Communicate with the board regarding amounts that will be awarded. Prepare the application and launch the application process. Gather grant proposals for board review. Communicate award status to teachers and collect photos of grant funds in action. Receive receipts for documentation, submit check requests to FOL Treasurer.
Corporate Sponsorship: Oversee the process of pursuing corporate sponsorship for FOL. Prepare a sponsorship package with benefits, recognition opportunities, etc. Evaluate business sponsorship from a high level perspective and leverage our various opportunities like Gala, Golf Event, Banners and Annual Appeal to maximize potential sponsor interest and minimize duplicating asks. Estimated time: 2 hours/week
Donor Acknowledgement: Responsible for donor acknowledgement and thank you process for all forms of giving of time and treasure. Coordinate with the Gala and Annual Appeal Chairs to provide assistance in writing thank you notes, letters of appreciation for individual and business donors. Coordinate with Principal Thompson for personalized notes to be sent to larger donors. Identify, evaluate and implement a donor management system that will maintain donor records across various fundraising opportunities and assist FOL in providing better communication to our constituents.
Parent Golf Outing: Plan and implement annual parent golf outing. Schedule and coordinate the location and logistics. Solicit sponsors. Oversee creation of marketing materials. Recruit participants.